Shannon N. Seitz

Vice President
Shannon N. Seitz


Ph.D. and M.A., economics, Western University; B.Com., economics, University of Saskatchewan

Summary of Experience

Dr. Seitz has a broad range of expertise in antitrust economics, class certification, labor economics, econometrics and applied microeconomics. She has worked on a series of high-profile antitrust matters involving employment and consumer products. She has provided economic analysis in antitrust and intellectual property litigation, with a particular focus on high technology, pharmaceuticals, and employment matters. Dr. Seitz has authored expert reports and declarations pertaining to employment and class certification litigation. Dr. Seitz has extensive experience preparing expert witnesses and counsel for deposition and has attended and assisted at numerous high-profile depositions regarding employment, antitrust and drug litigation. Dr. Seitz was formerly a co-editor at Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, and has been a principal investigator and co-investigator on grants funded by the Social Security Administration and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. She has published research in the CPI Antitrust Chronicle, International Economic Review, The Review of Economic Studies, and the Journal of Labor Economics. Prior to joining Analysis Group, she was an assistant professor of economics at Boston College.