Marissa Ginn

Ph.D. and M.A., economics, Boston College; B.A., economics, Concordia University
Summary of Experience
Dr. Ginn specializes in applying microeconomic and econometric techniques to construct complete analyses in both litigation and non-litigation contexts. She has led large teams in antitrust, commercial damages, and intellectual property cases in several industries, including chemicals, telecommunications, finance, pharmaceuticals, and technology. Her recent antitrust work has focused on alleged class-wide horizontal price-fixing conspiracy cases, including benchmark interest rates and consumer products. Dr. Ginn’s experience also includes evaluations of alleged patent infringement in the pharmaceutical industry, analyses of vertical mergers, and responding to inquiries from domestic and international competition authorities. She has served as an economic expert witness in matters requiring statistical expertise, and has worked on several strategy cases in the technology and pharmaceutical industries, such as analyses of search advertising revenues.
Perceptions of Regulatory Uncertainty in Antitrust Practices
Columbia Law School Blue Sky Blog, January 9, 2023
2023Sokol D, Ginn M, Calzaretta R, Santana M
Gender Considerations in the Analysis of Market Definition and Competitive Effects: A Practical Framework and Illustrative Example
Lexis-Nexis Antitrust Report, August 2023
2023 -
Antitrust Mergers and Regulatory Uncertainty
SSRN, December 6, 2022
2022Sokol D, Ginn M, Calzaretta R, Santana M
A Comparison of Damage Theories in Price-Fixing Cases in the United States, Canada, and the European Union
American Bar Association Section of Litigation, The Class Actions and Derivative Suits Newsletter, Winter 2017
2017 -
Calculating Damages in Price-Fixing Cases in the United States, Canada, and the European Union
American Bar Association Section of Litigation, The Class Actions and Derivative Suits Newsletter, Spring 2017
2017 -
Antitrust Private Damages Actions in the United States, Canada and the European Union
Competition Policy International: Antitrust Chronicle, Spring 2016, Volume 3, Number 1
2016 -
Managing Care and Costs: The Sustained Cost Impact of Reduced Hospitalizations in a Partnership-Measurement Model of Disease Management
Healthcare Quarterly Vol.13 No.4. 2010
2010Paradis P, Nemis-White J, Meilleur MC, Ginn M, Cox J, Montague T
June 3, 2022
October 10, 2023
September 13, 2023
January 19, 2023
January 26, 2022