Paul J. Hibbard

M.S., energy and resources, University of California, Berkeley; B.S., physics, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Summary of Experience
Mr. Hibbard is an expert on economics, strategy, regulation, and policy in the electric and natural gas industries. He has a comprehensive background merging business development, technical analysis, resource planning and development modeling, economics, and public policy in the energy and environmental fields. Mr. Hibbard has provided technical and strategic advice to government, industry, business, public interest groups, and trade organizations on energy market structure, electric and natural gas infrastructure planning and siting, utility resource solicitation and procurement, emission allocation and environmental policy, renewable resource program design and administration, transmission pricing, climate change policy, utility ratemaking practices, and the transfer of US federal and state emission control programs to other countries.
Prior to joining Analysis Group, Mr. Hibbard was chairman of the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities. During his tenure, he carried out a forward-looking ratemaking and policy agenda to advance energy efficiency and renewable resources, coordinate regional efforts in the development of energy resources and associated infrastructure, and promote the administration of fair and efficient transmission pricing models in regional and national contexts. He also has provided testimony on resource planning, competitive electricity markets, and transmission pricing in hearings before committees of the Massachusetts legislature and the US House of Representatives, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), and state and regional planning councils. Mr. Hibbard has also served as a member of many energy-related boards and committees.
Provided Expert Testimony
Additional Cases
- Alberta Electric System Operator Proceedings for Capacity Market Design and Implementation
- Analyzing the Performance of ISO-NE Power Generation Resources
- Assessing Competitiveness of Retail Electricity Market in Pennsylvania
- Capacity Resource Performance in NYISO Markets: An Assessment of Wholesale Market Options
- Conducting a Review of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative’s Impact on Consumer Electricity Bills
- Consultants Study CEO Perspectives and Recommendations on California’s Advanced Energy Policies
- NTE Connecticut, LLC application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need
- Pricing and Retail Contract Analysis
- Quantifying Energy Savings and Emission Reductions under the Section 111(d) Carbon Pollution Standard
- State of North Carolina, ex rel. Roy Cooper, Attorney General, v. Tennessee Valley Authority
- The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States
- Wellesley Municipal Light Plant Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Study
The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Ten Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States
White Paper, May 2023
2023 -
Heavy Duty Vehicle Electrification: Planning for and Development of Needed Power System Infrastructure
White paper, June 2023
2023 -
Massachusetts’ Energy Transition: Innovation for Electric Utility Regulation
White paper, September 2023
2023 -
Methane Reduction Technology Electricity and Abatement Costs
White Paper, 2022
2022Hibbard P, Ario S, Gan E
Climate Change Impact and Resilience Study – Phase II: An Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Power System Reliability in New York State
White Paper, 2020
2020Hibbard PJ, Wu C, Krovetz H, Farrell T, Landry J
Fuel and Energy Security in New York State: An Assessment of Winter Operational Risks for a Power System in Transition
White Paper, November 2019
2019 -
Vehicle Fuel-Economy and Air-Pollution Standards: A Literature Review of the Rebound Effect
White Paper, June 2018
2018 -
An Expanding Carbon Cap-and-trade Regime? A Decade of Experience with RGGI Charts a Path Forward
The Electricity Journal, June 2018
2018 -
RGGI and Emissions Allowance Trading: Options for Voluntary Cooperation Among RGGI and Non-RGGI States
White Paper, July 2017
2017Hibbard P, Berk E
Capacity Resource Performance in NYISO Markets: An Assessment of Wholesale Market Options
White Paper, November 2017
2017Hibbard P, Schatzki T, Bolthrunis S
Electricity Markets, Reliability and the Evolving U.S. Power System
White Paper, June 20, 2017
2017 -
RGGI and CO2 Emissions Trading Under the Clean Power Plan: Options for Trading Among Generating Unit
White Paper, July 2016
2016 -
Study to Establish New York Electricity Market ICAP Demand Curve Parameters
White Paper, September 2016
2016Hibbard P, Schatzki T, Aubuchon C, Llop C, Berk E
Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Tools and Practices
White Paper, February 2015
2015 -
Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: The Case of PJM
White Paper, March 2015
2015 -
NYISO Capacity Market: Evaluation of Options
White Paper, May 2015
2015Hibbard P, Schatzki T, Aubuchon C, Wu C
Carbon Control and Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets: Compliance Paths for Efficient Market Outcomes
White Paper, May 2015
2015Carbon Control and Competitive Wholesale Electricity Markets: Compliance Paths for Efficient Market Outcomes
Ohio's Electricity Future: Assessment of Context and Options
White Paper, April 2015
2015 -
Electric System Reliability and EPA’s Clean Power Plan: The Case of MISO
White Paper, June 2015
2015 -
Net Metering in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: A Framework for Evaluation
White Paper, June 2015
2015 -
Project Vigilance: Functional Feasibility Study for the Installation of Ambri Energy Storage Batteries at Joint Base Cape Cod
Functional Feasibility Study, February 2014
2014 -
Crediting Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions from Energy Efficiency Investments
White Paper, March 2014
2014 -
EPA’s Clean Power Plan: States’ Tools for Reducing Costs and Increasing Benefits to Consumers
White Paper, July 2014
2014 -
Assessment of EPA’s Clean Power Plan: Evaluation of Energy Efficiency Program Ramp Rates and Savings Levels
White Paper, December 2014
2014 -
The Economic Potential of Energy Efficiency: A Resource Potentially Unlocked by the Clean Power Plan
White Paper, December 2014
2014 -
California's Advanced Energy Economy: Advanced Energy Business Leaders’ Perspectives and Recommendations on California’s Energy Policies
Report prepared for the Advanced Energy Economy Institute, February 2013
2013 -
The Role of Regulators and Grid Operators in Meeting Natural Gas and Electric Coordination Challenges
Testimony Before House Subcommittee on Energy and Power
2013 -
Assessment of the Impact of ISO-NE’s Proposed Forward Capacity Market Performance Incentives
White Paper, September 2013
2013 -
The Interdependence of Electricity and Natural Gas: Current Factors and Future Prospects
Electricity Journal, May 2012
2012 -
Reliability and Emission Impacts of Stationary Engine-Backed Demand Response in Regional Power Markets
White Paper, August 2012
2012 -
Demand Response in Capacity Markets: Reliability, Dispatch and Emission Outcomes
Electricity Journal, November 2012, Vol. 25, Issue 9
2012 -
Generation Fleet Turnover in New England: Modeling Energy Market Impacts
White Paper, June 2011
2011Schatzki T, Hibbard P, Darling P, Clinton B
Retirement Is Coming: Preparing for New England's Capacity Transition
Public Utilities Fortnightly, June 2011
2011 -
The Economic Impacts of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative on Ten Northeast and Mid-Atlantic States
White Paper, November 2011
2011 -
Carbon Control and the Economy: Economic Impacts of RGGI’s First Three Years
The Electricity Journal, December 2011
2011 -
Ensuring a Clean, Modern Electric Generating Fleet while Maintaining Electric System Reliability: Summer 2011 Update
M.J. Bradley & Associates LLC
2011 -
Ensuring a Clean, Modern Electric Generating Fleet while Maintaining Electric System Reliability
M.J. Bradley & Associates LLC
2010 -
Energy and Environmental Policy in the United States: Synergies and Challenges in the Electric Industry
Prepared for The French Center on the United States
2003 -
March 22, 2019
November 20, 2019
November 10, 2022
November 2, 2023
October 11, 2023
September 12, 2023
August 30, 2023
June 29, 2023
May 16, 2023
July 12, 2022
June 8, 2022
February 7, 2022
January 10, 2022