Jutong Pan



Ph.D., economics, The University of British Columbia; M.Phil., economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; B.A., economics, Peking University

Summary of Experience

Dr. Pan specializes in the application of data science, econometrics, and microeconomics to complex problems in a number of areas, including antitrust and competition, health economics and outcomes research, and telecommunications. His case work experience includes developing cloud-based platforms for large-scale claim procurement in cartel litigation matters; predicting, with supervised learning models, the future onset of underdiagnosed diseases and the duration of chronic conditions; simulating counterfactual outcomes of wireless spectrum and advertisement auctions; and applying natural language processing (NLP) techniques to the identification of topics and sentiments in online reviews of products and to systematic literature review. Dr. Pan has also coauthored a paper on advanced quantitative methods in life cycle economic models in the Review of Economic Dynamics.