Nevada Power Rate Proceeding

Analysis Group Principal David Sosa presented testimony on behalf of NV Energy (Nevada Power Company) at an electricity rate proceeding before the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. Dr. Sosa and an Analysis Group team that included Principal Eric Korman conducted analyses that helped Nevada Power verify that its revenue requirements for outside services and regulatory expenses were reasonable and that its employee compensation expenses were consistent with industry labor costs. The team also responded to contrary claims from staffers at the state regulatory commission and from other parties.

The team reviewed the utility's regulatory and outside services expenses as reflected in Nevada Power's general ledger to determine their reasonability and to ensure that the utility's claims for cost recovery could be supported. The team coordinated the revenue requirement adjustments with the utility's staff prior to the rate case filing. The team also evaluated Nevada Power's analysis of national survey data on industry salaries and constructed benchmarks based on comparable utilities to evaluate Nevada Power's overall compensation levels and productivity.

Dr. Sosa testified at the revenue requirements hearing and filed direct and rebuttal testimony in support of the utility's claimed expenditures in the rate proceeding.


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