GlaxoSmithKline Holdings (Americas) Inc. v. Commissioner of the IRS
Analysis Group, retained by McKee Nelson LLP, assisted GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) in its long-running transfer pricing dispute with the Internal Revenue Service. The dispute concerned how much of the profits from the US sale of certain GSK drugs should be attributed to US subsidiaries of GSK and thus subject to US tax.
Analysis Group supported academics (including MIT Professors Robert Pindyck and Ernst Berndt and University of Florida Professor Christopher James) and others who provided expertise in econometrics, pharmaceutical marketing, stock price analysis, licensing practices, and historic mergers and acquisitions in the pharmaceutical industry.
The Analysis Group team included President Pierre Cremieux, Managing Principals Laurits Christensen, Maureen Chakraborty, Rebecca Kirk Fair, and Alan White, Senior Advisor Tamar Sisitsky, and affiliate David Mishol. This team also supported experts addressing licensing and contracting procedures in the pharmaceutical industry and the environment for mergers and acquisitions among pharmaceutical companies in the US during the 1980s.